NextGen Committee


It’s been a year since my grandfather passed, but his impact is not lost on me; he remains an important person in my life. He taught me invaluable lessons, gave me a wonderful family, and left an incredible legacy: the family philanthropy.

He had his own wanted the philanthropy to involve all generations, including his grandkids, creating the “Next Gen Committee” for us. But while he was committed to helping to bridge the education gap in China, he was aware that was not necessarily what we were interested in. He gave us the freedom to explore and pick what causes we were passionate about, asking us who or what we want to help. Encouraging us to find causes that we felt connected to and wanted to support helped to shape what I do now.  

With this, I’m reminded of the good that he wanted to do, and of how I want organize my own priorities. His legacy is centered on helping other people, I intend to follow his example, and I am determined that the work that I do help others in some way. While I am a studying to be a writer for TV, working with YFP has given me a focus. I wanted to help people with disabilities, and through YFP I was able to explore that fully and participate in organizations that worked directly within that realm. 

Before, I just wanted to write. Now, I am focused on telling stories that represent those who are not always covered in the media, particularly for and about people with disabilities, to help shape the narrative surrounding them. And it is all thanks to my grandfather and his legacy.

Camille Fung

16 October 2017